Step 1: Head to and click “Join Now or Sign In” to create your account:
Step 2: Add your preferred email address. We will use this email to contact you about proposals, and you can update this email in your account settings:
Step 3: Add your first and last name, and set a password you’ll remember!
Step 4: Select which account type you would like to create. If you're a content creator looking to collaborate with brands, select Creator.
Step 5: Set up your organization. An organization is a home for all your creator profiles. If you are creating an organization for yourself, feel free to name the organization with your name.
Step 6: Build your profile. You must connect at least one public social channel to continue. In addition, you must be over 18 and located in the United States to use TwoYay.
Step 7: Add your shipping address so that Advertisers you have agreed to work with can send you product to feature in your social posts.
Step 8: Set your rates for content for the channels you have connected. You can follow our recommended rate if you are unsure what to input. This is a suggested rate based on your current follower size. You can always adjust your rates later:
Step 9: You’re in! All that's left is to add a preferred payout method and start getting paid for your work.
Have a question? Contact the TwoYay team here.